Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I think I'm turning MAC'anese, if you please

Today is a new and glorious day! Oh glorious day! I just got an iPhone (3gs, 16mb)  last night and i feel soooo relieved to get out of Windows mobile 6 HELL!!
As a matter of fact, Dawnmarie and i both FINALLY got into our new iPhones and will soon be making the swith to MAC laptops... me thinks!
No problem for DM. She'll be at ease being back in the MAC world as a teacher... Windows was not friendly or helpful for her. Me though,  with my 3d and Autocad apps i am a bit worried about taking the plunge, but ive read many articles and forums lately where people discuss running AutoCad and 3ds Max using dual boot and bootcamp for windows apps.
Also, considering dumping Outlook right now, moving to Gmail and Google Calendar. We also use a great online shared calendar system called Airset that will work well with google and the iPhone.
So, any general comments, recommendations, etc. about the whole switch to MAC thing?