Monday, June 25, 2007

Back in Pensacola
Well, we're back in Pensacola, Florida for a bit before heading back to the 'Burgh. This is a great place also and we have enjoyed visiting MANY cool places on Pensacola Beach and Casino Beach (Peg Leg Pete's, The Boardwalk, Paradise Inn, Bamboo Willies, Flounders) All stretched along some beautiful, clean and exciting beach areas. We're off for one more day on the beach, some last day seafood and maybe a few drinks :)

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Greetings from sunny Panama City Beach, Florida!!

Well, i guess i finally gave in and decided to try out this whole "blog" thing. I don't think it will be a very consistent or constant thing, but who knows.

I really have enjoyed using Airset Shared calendars ( which also has a blog feature and got me interested. It's been great for sharing info...and, of course, right now, sharing the beautiful scenery as i look up from my computer. Here is the picture from the balcony of the Sunspree Hotel as I type.

Panama City Beach, Florida is really nice. Perfect white sand, perfect green and aquamarine clear has been one of the best all around beach stops in the U.S. we have ever had.

Anyway, just thought i would try this out and start my blogging from a more exotic location than Dormont, Pa. Here are a few more pics: